Friday, October 24, 2008
Sarah Palin, Moose Murderer, Coming To Asheville
Welcome, Republicans! I see you on my visit logs from your emails. We'll only be keeping the republicans who are too stupid to print their own tickets out of your tiny little defeat rally. Come to think of it, that might preclude the majority of republicans in this state.
Sorry I have been unable to post here, school has been really rough this semester, except for those out killing bears.
Sarah Palin is coming to Asheville on Sunday, and you can get tickets from the local McCain Offices.
I have an idea...why don't all of us progressives go and snap up all the tickets?
We outnumber the mouth-breathers, and if we canget out in enough numbers, we will deny a number of them the opportunity to see her in person, and a priceless sight of empty seats in the Civic Center!!!
Spread this to your friends and go get a couple of tickets.
If you are brave enough to go inside with the Republicans, be sure to hook up with some friends and sit together so you can boo at all the appropriate places, and defend yourself from attack.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Obama Activities in Western North Carolina for Sept 20-21
Goodwill Voter Registration at Goodwill Smokey Park/Malvern Hills (Asheville, NC)
This is a great chance to register new voters. We have had success at this location! From 10-2 (longer if we have the volunteers)we will be registering and informing voters about early voting. -This is a non partisan location- no buttons or shirts.
Meetup next to the DMV on Patton/Smokey Park Hwy!
Voter Registration at West End Bakery on Saturday AND Sunday!!!
Location Map
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
West End Bakery (Asheville, NC)
757 Haywood RdAsheville, NC 28806
If yu have events that you woul like for me to add, please contact me!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Barack Obama In Charlotte Sunday
This Sunday, September 21st, please join Barack Obama in Charlotte, where he will talk about his vision for creating the kind of change we need.
Change We Need Rally
with Barack Obama
Downtown Charlotte
4th Street between S. Davidson Street and S. McDowell
Charlotte, NC
Sunday, September 21st
Doors Open: 11:00 a.m.
Program Begins: 1:00 p.m.
North: E. Trade and Davidson Streets
West: E. 4th and S. Caldwell Streets
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required; however an RSVP is strongly encouraged. Space is limited and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For security reasons, do not bring bags and please limit personal items. No signs or banners permitted. Parking on-site is limited.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
West Buncombe Phonebank for Obama
Location Map
Obama Headquarters (Asheville, NC)
107 Merrimon Ave
Asheville, NC 28804
The Importance of the Ground Game in 2008
This is the first election I have been old enough to participate in and it seems to be wholly different from the lackluster effort I saw as a young teenager. People are more focused on the ground game, that is doing what is important. Making contacts with voters. I learned in my poli sci classes that a candidate has to make three contacts with every voter in order to secure their vote, which can be done by proxy using a well-organized campaign staffed full of eager volunteers. My clinical shyness and speech impediment may keep me from fully participating physically to this campaign to get Senator Obama elected, but I can do my part by using my keyboard to let people know where they can go to help, and embed video related to the campaign so people can see for themselves why a President Obama is just what this country needs after eight years of George Bush.
An example of that all-important ground game can be found in Nevada, an effort that was profiled on FiveThirtyEight...
Obama's campaign thinks it has a hell of a left hook here in Nevada. More than 3,500 volunteers have gone through specific precinct captain training, and each of these captains has specific contact and voter registration targets. The volunteer and organizer energy at the Obama offices here in Clark was humming. Searer pointed out that it's unprecedented for a Democratic presidential campaign to open offices in places like Elko, Lyon County and Douglas County. Republicans know they've always held off Democratic Clark County by running up lopsided margins in the smaller rural areas around the state. John Kerry won Clark by 36,430 votes in 2004, and Clark was 66% of the statewide vote. But Bush won Nevada by 21,500 because of the rural county edge.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Canvass with the Patton Avenue Change Crew
Get out and enjoy some time tomorrow evening working with the Patton Avenue Change Crew!
Come canvass for Obama with the Patton Ave change crew. Spend a couple of hours canvassing the neighborhood, we'll get you home before dark.
Meetup at Ingles on Patton Ave
Location Map
Ingles Parking Lot (Asheville, NC)
669 Haywood Rd.Asheville, NC 28806
Black Mountain for Obama Phone Bank
Join volunteers at the Wild Hare in Black Mtn to help make phone calls and identify Obama supporters and persuade voters! Script, training, and all materials are provided. CELL PHONE IS REQUIRED!!! THERE ARE NO LANDLINES AVAILABLE!!!
Wild Hare Receptions (Black Mountain, NC)
406 W State StBlack Mountain, NC 28711
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Welcome to Obama News Network

With less than 8 weeks to go before Obama become the next President, we are proud to launch the Obama News Network to track the Obama-related news nationally and in North Carolina.
We are head quartered in Sylva, NC and look forward to covering the news and reporting on the Campaign for Obama in this region.
Feel free to contact us with information about your Obama-related event.